Make the most out of your outdoor display

outdoor display
outdoor display

One of the best ways to get your brand the attention you desire is by using an outdoor Display. You get a crisp and clear picture in bright colors and display. Advancement in LED technology as seen more and more advertisers and business owners take advantage of outdoor displays and getting LED screens from from Bibi Led.

While they are functional and effective. They remain a fleeting form of advertisement which you have a very short time to make an impression and ensure that your content has an impact on your audience. That coupled with the fact that they are exposed to the elements which makes them quite prone to damage.

outdoor display
outdoor display

Here are some quick tips on how to keep your outdoor LED display in good condition and get the best out of it.

  1. Choose the right hardware: Because outdoor displays spend most of the time outdoors at the mercy of the elements which is why you need to choose the best hardware, to begin with. Your LED display must be fully outdoor-rated to be able to withstand exposure to direct sunlight, extreme fluctuation in temperature, humidity, and dust. Certain displays are also better suited for specific climates, and you must put that into consideration when choosing your hardware.

You can check out some great Led Hardware for your installation from Bibi Led

  1. Install a closed loop circulation system: to prevent damage from water seeping through the LED enclosure of your display when it rains; it is a great idea to have your installers add a closed loop circulation system into the installation. That way you get to isolate the enclosure and protect it from getting damaged by moisture.
  2. Keep internal temperature regulated: To perform at optimal capacity your LED screens need to operate at an optimal temperature. You need to put the feature in place to avoid problems due to overheating like dying pixels, fading picture, and mismatched colors. You can protect your screen from overheating by installing an HVAC system to keep the temperature regulated.
  3. Brightness is important: Because you have a very short window to make an impression, it is vital that you get the brightness of your LED display right. The ideal screen has a brightness rating of at least 2,000 nits. Thus you must ensure your display can hit this mark or even perform better. However, if you are using a weak screen, you can buffer its brightness by placing it under a tent or awning to help with sun exposure.
  1. Select the best location: location is one of the most crucial things to get the best out of your outdoor display. Not only does choose the right location important for reaching your target audience it also plays an essential role in determining the overall health of your screen over time. Consider installing under an awing or on the side of a building with minimal sunlight if brightness is a concern.


Getting the best out of your outdoor display is a combination of multiple factors. However, it is important that you try to make the most of it and follow these tips and more to ensure that your display not only last long but also serves its purpose.



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