Pros And Cons Of Filters In Liquid-Solid Separation


In many situations and processes of life, we need to separate one type of material from another. Even the simple process of washing one’s hands after using the toilet is a type of separation of materials as it separates germs from our hands. Mixtures both in nature and in chemical processing environments require regular separation. Custom metal washable filters are a great option for the techniques highlighted. Separation eliminates unwanted materials and allows us to retain only the important components of any mixture. Another benefit of separation processes is the ability to retain pure resultant substances from which we can derive benefit, e.g., filtering gases to retain only oxygen or hydrogen. Let’s focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using filters in liquid-solid separation. 

Types of solid-liquid filtration methods

Any process that involves separating solids from liquids through the application of mechanical, biological, or physical procedures to force liquids to pass through the filter’s pores is called filtration. The filter options available include cotton wool, metal, paper, sand, or any other compound with pores in its structure.

  • General filtration

Known in the industrial and chemical worlds as gravity filtration, this technique relies solely on gravity to separate the component of a mixture.

  • Hot filtration

During critical separation and filtration processes, sometimes crystals develop inside the filter and hamper the procedure. Hot filtration is utilized by heating all the components to eliminate crystal formation and enhance the separation processes.

  • Vacuum filtration

Involves forcing a mixture through an efficient filter paper through the application of a vacuum to the filter chamber using a sidearm adaptor.

  • Cold filtration

Ice baths are utilized to cool down the solution mixtures at a rapid rate. This prompts the formation of solid crystals in place of larger crystals obtained through cooling at room temperature.

Barrier filtration

Barrier filtration involves a barrier of some sort, including bags, sheets, and cartridges. The barrier works to quickly and efficiently remove solid particles as the liquid is poured through the barrier. Typical barriers consist of cast, woven, polyester, or cellulose materials. These same materials are pleated and designed into cartridges, formed into the shape of bags, or flattened into unique frames. All barriers contain pores at roughly 40 microns each. As the solid-liquid mixture is poured through the barrier, all particles larger than 40 microns are quickly removed.

Advantages of filtration systems

  • The cost of media-based filtration is quite low compared to other forms of filtration techniques. The cost incurred in the housings is reduced by any filtration supplier based on the fact that a fresh installation of the systems will yield a return on investment.
  • Easy-to-control systems

An efficient operator can get a clear picture of the status of a filter using differential pressure. It also indicated the point in time at which the cartridge should be removed and swapped.

Disadvantages of filtration systems

  • There is a high cost of disposal and replacement associated with filtration systems
  • Media-based filtration is always about choosing between the amount of filtration required and that which is permissible to maintain flow.


Filtration is an excellent technique for separating solids from liquids for industrial processes. It is also highly efficient and affordable, especially if custom metal washable filters are used.


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